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Photography Question 

Wendi Hayes

Low light conditions

  My aunt the horse trainer
My aunt the horse trainer
Example of underexposure problem

Wendi Hayes

Last year I traveled with a circus and will be traveling again with them mid-August. Most of the pictures taken inside the tent were underexposed. I was using Ilford HP5 400 and Kodak TCN400. I can not use flash because of the distraction it poses to the performers. Is this a case where I just need to use faster film or push my film? Any other suggestions? I have included an example.

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July 13, 2002


John A. Lind
Looks like you're in such low light that ISO 400 isn't fast enough. Two B&W films to consider using:
Kodak TMax P3200
Ilford Delta 3200

Both of these are professional B&W and classed as "multi-speed" films. Their nominal ISO rating is actually 800, but they are specifically designed to be used at P1, P2 and P3 ("pushed" to EI 1600, 3200 and 6400). At EI 1600 (P1), they both retain much of the same grain and contrast as at ISO 800. At 3200 and 6400, graininess increases some as does contrast; the higher the speed the greater the grain and contrast. Graininess of TMax P3200 @ EI 1600 is about the same as Tri-X and it has good tonality. The Ilford may be a tad contrastier.

The downside is you must shoot the entire roll at the same film speed *and* you must have it processed by a lab that can handle "push processing." It also costs a few dollars more per roll for the special processing (compensates for deliberate and controlled underexposure by increasing developing time). This requires using a "pro lab" to have it developed. Consumer lab operators would likely look at you strangely if you ask them about push processing, or use the "P" numbers to indicate how much it was pushed (and therefore how its developing times must be modified).

You can get a very brief feel about each of these films in the answer to this question about film for available light B&W work at weddings:

Jeff uploaded a very nice Ilford Delta 3200 photograph and I put another one at the end to show what TMax P3200 does.

-- John

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July 15, 2002


Wendi Hayes
Star preforming Fresian horse

Wendi Hayes

  Young lioness
Young lioness
Feeding time

Wendi Hayes

Thanks so much for the info John! A friend recommended looking at Mary Ellen Mark's work on circuses. But all the pictures I came across were outside the tent. I don't want to limit myself or miss any great shots. I've included two pics that did come out well (outside the big top of course).


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July 15, 2002

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