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Photography Question 


Just starting out -- How to improve?

I am justing starting out with photography and know, quite frankly, that my photos are terrible. I equipped myself with a good camera and am satisfied with what it is doing. It's what I'm doing that's the problem. What I am interested in hearing from experienced photographers is their suggestions on how to improve. Specifically, how to improve one's eye for a photo? What processes have worked well and why? What did you go through when just starting out? Taking a course? Shooting, shooting, shooting and lots of self-criticism? Etc? How shallow (okay, let's try optimism: steep) is the learning curve?

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July 10, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  There are a bunch of ways to go about learning and improving your photography. Go to the library or bookstore and you will find a ton of books dealing with basic photography. To improve your eye, look at books that talk about composition. Also looking at the work of more experienced photographers will help you see things differently. Other ways to improve include taking classes, subscribing to magazines, joining a camera club, visiting sites like this one, and shooting-shooting-shooting.

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July 11, 2002


doug Nelson
  Check out my article on Teaching Yourself Photography on my web page linked below.
When what you're doing stops being fun, go do something else, and come back to photography. Sometimes we try too hard. I've been caught up in this, in fact, just recently.

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July 12, 2002


RoxAnne E. Franklin
  Do yourself two enormous favors that will put you on the right track for the rest of your picture taking days.... the first is, immediately without hesitation purchase the book offered on this website, written by Jim called The Absolute Beginners Guide to Taking Great Photos. And second, check this website for future photo seminars and enroll in a few.
This site is also a wonderful tool and has helped me more than I can say.
Happy Shooting!

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August 07, 2002

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