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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

shooting tools for a brochure

How do I achieve a professional image of handtools that I have to shoot for a brochure. A flash just washes out the picture and no flash makes for a dull image.

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July 07, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Your question is a bit on the general side. If your flash is washing out the picture that tells me you aren't getting the exposure right. Still lifes are challenging. Typically, the lighting used for them is broad (IOW, they use softboxes or umbrellas). Try bouncing your flash and setting up reflectors. Better yet use continuous lighting like shop lights so you can see the results before you shoot. Just remember that if you're shooting with color film you will need to use a filter to balance the tungsten light with you daylight film.

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July 08, 2002

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