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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Sonya L. Hatfield-Hall

Wasting my time

Since the changes in BP, I no longer receive EPs like I did. I feel I'm wasting my time and need to know if I am. Money you can get back, time you cannot. Is it time for me to forget about photography?

Blessings, peace and prayers


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November 04, 2014 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  This may sound like a snarky reply -- it isn't intended to be, and I mean it in all sincerity... If anyone is accustomed to using the E.P.'s (or even winners) handed out by BetterPhoto, as an indicator of whether you should be pursuing photography, I'd say the quick answer is no, you should not be pursuing it.

If it isn't something that, by itself (without any BP accolades, or accolades from others for that matter) makes you happy, why bother with it? Time spent making yourself unhappy is indeed wasted time. If BP's EP's are the element of photography that makes you happy (rather than the photographing, the learning, the editing, the final product to your own eyes, the ability to capture a memory, the ability to execute an artistic vision) then in my view, you're wasting time. (The generic "you" as I think this reasoning applies to anyone picking up a camera, though perhaps not necessarily because they really enjoy photography.)

I still enjoy participating in the BP contest; I'm still usually very thrilled by the winners chosen -- but EP's -- frankly, they are a nuisance in my opinion, and relying on them to validate yourself is a recipe for disaster.

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November 05, 2014

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dayna Cain
Dayna Cain's Gallery
  Sonya, stick with photography because you love it. That's what I do.

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November 05, 2014 - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Greenspan
Christine Greenspan's Gallery
  I agree. Make yourself happy, pursue subjects you love, study photographers who you admire. Sometimes it helps to look back a few years and see how your work has changed and grown. Try to remember why you started in the first place and focus on that joy.

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November 05, 2014


Dalne M. Dola
I responded earlier and what I said has been said. Don't give up on your photography! Enjoy the moments that shooting those lovely scenes allow, the peace and beauty of it all. Remember that as BP grows and more participate each of us will probably get fewer EP's. If we want to be competitive we'll need to strive to be better, if not we can just sit back and say we are having a great time!
Remember photography is an art which puts it in the realm of subjective scrutiny.
Don't question yourself, your photography is not who you are, just a small piece!!!

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November 05, 2014

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Sonya, I agree with Chris. I've seen so many people lose their love of photography, because their EP rate went down. And the real kicker...the EP rate went down solely because BP hands out fewer EPs than before. The person's work didn't fall off, it stayed the same. But the EP rate was lower and many people assumed their work wasn't the same as before.

If you enjoy photography, then shoot for the enjoyment it gives you, or that it provides to friends or family. Life is too short to be judged by BP's EP system.

I also skimmed your gallery. You have some great photos so don't let the lower EP rate get you down. We are ALL getting less EPs now.

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November 05, 2014 - Christine Greenspan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Greenspan
Christine Greenspan's Gallery
  Sonya, I also forgot to say that we've been in the Mission forum together for quite a while now. I've seen a lot of your work and I truly love it! Your heart shows through!

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November 06, 2014


Sonya L. Hatfield-Hall
  Don't so much lose my love of photography, feel somehow I was going backwards. As you can tell, I am very unsure of myself not only in photography but in general. An EP allows me some sort of sign that I'm not failing at anything else. I don't think not receiving them would bother me so much if I hadn't received them rather regularly before the change. It has been a difficult row to hoe going from friends loving a photograph to this is wrong and that is wrong and you should have done this or that. I get it photography is subjective. You are correct in saying they shouldn't matter. I shouldn't use them as a marker for my photographs. Thank you all for your responses and sorry took me so long to reply, but I don't always received notifications that comments have been made. Do not know why but do know I haven't blocked BP emails. Last time I asked they said it was on my end, but I guess it's just the funny way of the internet.



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November 08, 2014

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