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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to Store Images till I get Back to my Computer

I like to vacation for a week. I may take more than 60 pictures a day, at 400k per image.
I download them into my laptop, but unfortunately my laptop is too heavy, and is a pain to carry.
To buy 7x128 mb memory cards would be rather expensive.
Is there a cheaper portable way of storing my images, say 7 x 60 x 400 k ? Then I can take them home and download them into my computer.
Thanks in advance.

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June 23, 2002


Romen Vargas
  Hi Thiri,
There's a product called a Digital Wallet (go to a search engine like Google and type it in).

Its like a portable hard drive. Heres a review of one type:

Some digital cameras can also use Microdrives (again...just do a search).

Both these products hold Gigabytes of info so these may be what you are after.

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June 23, 2002

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