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RoxAnne E. Franklin

How to do a quick transfer to Laptop from Canon 5D

I am a seasoned photographer but have never shot photos and immediately transferred them to my laptop for CD burning. I have volunteered to do a pet shoot for Valentines Day to benefit a Breast Cancer patient. All proceeds will go to her. I plan on doing two photos only and then transferring to the laptop to have my assistant burn the cd to give to the pet owners with a limited use release. My question is .. I know there are eye fi cards that can do this but I have been told my camera is not compatible with them???? is this true, what is the quickest way to accomplish what I'm trying to do? I don't want to have to shoot, download, shoot download, it would take forever. As this is the only time I can see myself doing this type of shoot, I'd like to spend as little as possible as well. Thanks for all your help! P.S. The laptop I'll be using is a basic Dell laptop.

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January 21, 2013

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Your camera should have come with some software and a cord, either USB or other type, to connect to a computer.
Or, if you connect your camera to your computer, it might recognize it and ask if you want to download some Canon software from the camera.

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January 21, 2013


RoxAnne E. Franklin
  Thank you for your reply. Maybe I should have clarified better. I know how to get the photos to my computer what I need to know now is if there is a quick way to do the following: take two shots, download the pics to the laptop and burn a CD. If I had a compatible camera to an eye first card I could easily achieve this but I've been told my 5D is not compatible with eye first cards.

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January 21, 2013


Jeff E Jensen
  RoxAnne - I found this discussion on the 5D and an eye-fi card. Sounds like it will work, but with some specific equipment:

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January 22, 2013


RoxAnne E. Franklin
  Thanks so much for the link. I was afraid I'd have to make an investment to do this shoot easier. I guess its going to be a situation where I take the CDs back to the location of the shoot for pickup the next day. Thanks everyone for all your help! I appreciate it.

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January 22, 2013


Jeff E Jensen
  There is a wireless file transmitter for the original 5D, it is the wft-e1a. Not sure that you'll be able to find one anymore.

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January 22, 2013 - Luis A. Morales

Contact Luis A. Morales
Luis A. Morales's Gallery
  RoxAnne F....why can't you take the two shots, pop the card into the computer, or card reader, throw a CD into the drive, and burn the photos at the location? First, though, does your Dell have a CD burner? If not, then you will need to go back the next day with the CD.

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January 22, 2013

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  That's what she want's to avoid, taken the card out each time. Although it may not actually be that hard since she has help there. The assistant could do the card flipping and burning while she gets the people or pets situated. But she may want rapid fire. Click click, next, click click.
But she may have to shoot tethered to the laptop.

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January 22, 2013


RoxAnne E. Franklin
  Everyone of you are so nice to try to help me. Yes I want the fastest way possible but sounds like I'm just going to have to remove the card after a few shots then burn CDs. At least I have help so it won't be so painful. Thanks everyone. I so appreciate your time.

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January 22, 2013 - Luis A. Morales

Contact Luis A. Morales
Luis A. Morales's Gallery
  Hello again RoxAnne. Here is another alternative: if you have a small enough printer, why not print out 8x10/8x12 images? Your assistant could print them out as you keep shooting. All you would have to do is either tether yourself to the laptop, or swap out cards every 5 or 10 families. Regardless, good luck with your endeavor.

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January 22, 2013

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  The fastest way to transfer from CF card to Laptop is using a firewire cf card reader. I can download an 8gb card is about 6 minutes. The wireless would be cool but thats an expensive piece of equipment. Tethering is the other option.
Warning: If you are going to take a couple of shots then remove the card and insert another - Make Sure you turn your camera OFF, otherwise you run a high risk of frying the card. I learned this the hard way :)
Good Luck,

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January 28, 2013 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I think I would just use the included 5D USB cable - take the 2 shots, leave the card inside the camera, hook up the USB cable between camera & computer, transfer the 2 images to the hard drive, disconnect camera (to continue shooting new images right away, if needed) and have assistant burn those 2 files from hard drive to CD.
No new equipment to buy, and it would take less than 2 minutes to connect, transfer 2 files & disconnect. If that isn't fast enough, the client has some serious impatience issues!! ;)

(This assumes you start with an empty chip; or else one in which all prior files have already been transferred. That way the EOS Utility will let you select "New Images Only" to transfer, so you don't even have to scroll through the whole chip's collection of images.)

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February 01, 2013

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