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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Jenni Corbett

How do you know when your photos are good?

  Little Green Frog
Little Green Frog

Jenni Corbett

  Red Tailed Black Cockatoo
Red Tailed Black Cockatoo

Jenni Corbett

How do you know when your photos are good enough to seel to the public?

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October 21, 2012


Thom Schoeller
  Jenn, your gallery won't open up in my browser. It's trying to redirect and firefox say's the link is broken. Difficult to reply at all being unable to view any portfolio.

I'll go on a limb and make a suggestion to test the waters. If you do not already use Flickr, I recommend opening an account there and opening a few galleries. Flickr draws photogs from all genre's of the business, even soccer moms and little league dad's just posting pics for fun. Anyhow, lot's of groups on flickr where you can post your work to ask for critiques or even have your work scored 1-10 by other photographers. Once you notice to begin having people add you to their contact list (bookmark) this means you probably made a connection with someone who enjoys viewing your work..

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November 18, 2012

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