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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Dino L. Rovera

Monetary Compensation

I live in one of California's wine districts. We have 24+ winerys all with tasting rooms on Main street. About a year ago, I began taking photo's for the winery of their bottled product. These photos were used in their monthly news letters as well as on their web page. I have no poroblem with that. I have now really upgraded my home studio equiptment as well as my camera gear...finally getting three Canon "L" lens. I just got my county business license and a BOE Tax ID number...I want to do this as a side business, but have no concept of where to begin with coming up with a price list. If the image is going to be used on a web page, do I sell the image, or just the right to use it? I am excited to beging this new venture, but need some advise on where to begin with pricing..

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March 06, 2012

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