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Owen Dawson

2 year old D700 acting a little funny

Happy New Year.
Before I send my D700 back to Nikon I wanted to ask the forum about my issue.
On two different occasions the d700 has locked up on me briefly (about 15-20).
the first time was the end of a morning shoot and the preview screen wouldn't come on after the shot was taken and all the buttons on the back wouldn't operate. after pulling the battery out, leaving it out for a few minutes and replacing, still not working. I took the lens of and re-attached, switched lens,removed the cable release etc.
still no go....when I got back to the hotel for whatever reason the thing starts working and did for the remainder of the trip. two days ago I was cleaning the sensor before going out and things were fine, two hours later I pull the camera out to take my first shot and same exact thing is happening. after 15 minutes of taking cable release of re-attaching, removing, changing lenses,removing battery etc. the thing starts working.
after shooting I took it to my camera store and he showed me how he could lock everything up by holding his right palm pad over the shutter release on the vertical grip. I went home and tried repeating this and I found it super awkward to even cover the release button so I don't think that was my issue. we are heading out to Utah Feb 1st for two weeks and i'm super concerned that this thing is going to totally crap out on me. any thoughts or comments would be welcome. sorry for the wordy message. Owen

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January 01, 2012


Kay Beausoleil
  Owen, the only thing I can think of is the contacts on the battery -- have you cleaned them? (If not, an art gum eraser might do the trick.) Or maybe it's the battery itself -- did you put a different one in?

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January 01, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Is all this locking up happening when going from warm inside to cold outside?

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January 02, 2012


Owen Dawson
  i have several batteries so i'm pretty sure that's not the issue. as far as going from warm to hot that shouldn't be an issue either.
i spend 10 days in Yellowstone last winter going from inside to -20 everyday with no issues.
thank you for the responses.

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January 02, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Could be some corrosion inside from getting wet at some point, that's just now making it short out.
Or could be a mother board or circuit that's failing. Like the cd player in my car that stopped working.

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January 02, 2012


Bob Cammarata
  It sounds like the common thread in your scenario centers around the cable release.
I've had similar situations arise with my D300 with the remote cable attached (or with an electronic remote). It seems to happen most frequently when using long exposures.
For whatever reason, I have to turn the power switch off, then back on to get the pre-view screen and other functions to work.

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January 03, 2012

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Were these exposures longer than 30 seconds? Maybe it has something to do with heat build up from the sensor.

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January 03, 2012


Joe Cosentino
  Have you tried setting the self timer to 30 seconds (if it will go that long) and see if that will lock things up. If not then it might be the cable release connector

Ngood luck

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January 11, 2012

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