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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 
- Janet Poczwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Janet Poczwa
Janet Poczwa's Gallery

I wonder how this happened?

I noticed one of my pictures just recently on someone's website!! The picture obviously came from the Better Photo website as I hadn't posted it anywhere else. I wonder how that happened. I would have look at the site as I wouldn't be surprised if other photographers' work is on this particular site without the user's permission (as in my case).

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December 31, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  It happens all the time, Janet. We found a lot of our photos on Flickr a few years ago. You never know where they are going to turn up..the disabled right click only stops the undetermined.
I've seen my shots on other sites, but since they gave me credit, I didn't get too upset. Most people just email the site and most of the time they remove it.

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December 31, 2011

- Janet Poczwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Janet Poczwa
Janet Poczwa's Gallery
  Thanks very much for that information Carolyn! I didn't bother contacting the person in question because, like your experience, credit was also given and I also felt sorry for the lady whose site the photo was on after reading about her personal background on the site. And after all, 'tis the season to be giving! Regards, Janet.

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December 31, 2011


Bob Cammarata
  This does happen a lot! Sometimes, folks give credit, sometimes not.
If a photo has been featured as a POTD (or was a previous contest winner), it seems to be more visible...therefore, more vulnerable.
You can sometimes find what's been posted where by searching your name (or website address if you have one) in the "Images" toolbar at Google.
All of the associated images within that search parameter will show up (assuming that due credit was given) and you can hover over the image to see what web page it will take you to.
I found two of mine on seemed ironic, since they never asked to use them. (Links to my website were included so I let them slide.)

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December 31, 2011

- Janet Poczwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Janet Poczwa
Janet Poczwa's Gallery
  At least our photographic work gets "promoted" on the web!

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January 01, 2012

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