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Photography Question 

Wendy M. Hansen-Penman

Contest winners

Just curious how many of the winners, finalists, and editor picks of the BetterPhoto contest have taken one or more courses through them. I haven't taken a course yet. Was getting lots of editor's picks, and then....nothing lately. Correlation?

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October 05, 2011


Tiia Vissak
  I've never taken any classes. I've got around 1000 editor's picks in total, but also 1 photo of the day, 4 winners (all 2nd place) and 37 finalists (out of about 1500 photos).

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October 06, 2011


tony W. austin
  i got lots of editor picks... got one second place before I started taking classes...

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October 06, 2011


Katrina McMeans
  I have a couple 2nd places and finalists and am getting editor's picks regularly... have never taken a course.

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October 06, 2011


Wendy M. Hansen-Penman
  Thanks, guys! Just wondered. I am going to keep at it.

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October 07, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  194 finalists
28 winners
no idea how many EPs since I predate the EP thing..
No classes.

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October 08, 2011


Sandi L. Olson
I have taken one class, have had several Editor's picks, 4 finalists and one 2nd place winner. I too have noticed that the Editors picks have just stopped again. This is similar to last month. I even emailed Better Photo to see if something happened, Their reply was that the judges were probably busy. And I suppose they probably are.

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October 18, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  They're no doubt working on finals. That should happen pretty soon.

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October 18, 2011


Don W. Chamblee
  Hello, I have 1 1st place, 4 2nd place, 22 finalists and 193 editor's picks. I have been a member for a bunch of years and have never taken a class. Hope that helps.

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October 20, 2011


Lynn R. Powers

I have noticed that the judging has gotten much tighter and more critical during the years that I have been a member. I also have not entered as many photos as Carolyn has 'Finalists'.

I checked your gallery and noticed that although the photos would look as a 4x6 but when they put them on a large monitor they will notice that they are not really sharp. Sharpness is one of the judges main criteria along with composition and decent post processing.

This past month there were 13,000 entries. Approximately 40% received Editors Pick. 639 of those received Finalist status or about 5% of the total entries. Now I think (I should know better than trying to do that.LOL) Each category is treated like judging in a dog show where they have Best of Breed and a Best of Show. The "Winner 2nd Place" would be like the Best of Breed in that particular category. The "Winner 1st Place" would be equal to the Best of Show. At least that is what seems apparent to me. I have not found the place where it is fully explained.

As others have mentioned, taking a class is not necessary. And they have been slow since the last week of last month. I didn't realize that I had an Editors Pick for a photo submitted 9/28 until 10/3.


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October 20, 2011

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