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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Jennifer L. Bales

current contest

Are they behind in judging photos? Now, maybe my photos haven't been selected as "editor's pics" because they aren't worthy, but it has been a while since I've gotten a editor's pic. Just check to see if anyone else has noticed that they are behind.

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October 01, 2011


Tiia Vissak
  The newest editor's picks have been given for photos submitted on 23rd: judges have been quicker sometimes, but sometimes they have also been slower.

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October 01, 2011


Gina Rosen
  Where can we check to see what the latest editors picks are for last month? It is sometimes frustrating to try and navigate through this portion of the website.

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October 01, 2011


Tiia Vissak
  Some members report to the discussion thread when they get an editor's pick. The current ones are reported in the thread September EFP's: have a look at

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October 01, 2011


Karen L. Swigart
  I've been wondering the same thing Jennifer. I've noticed too that my entries are not showing up in the pages of contest entries. Anyone know why that might be?
Thank You

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October 02, 2011 - Mary Dimitriw

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mary Dimitriw
Mary Dimitriw's Gallery
  I think they are just behind. I have about 4 that haven't been picked yet, 3 from last month and 1 from this month.

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October 02, 2011


Karen L. Swigart
  Hi Gina, there are so many editors picks that I don't know that they are listed anywhere but to see previous winners and finalists go to the "membership" tap near the top, in the blue strip. In the drop down list hit "contest" when you get to that page look under the picture in the upper right corner and it gives you choices of winners, finalists, previous winners, and previous finalists. Hope that helps.

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October 02, 2011


Gina Rosen
  Thanks Karen, that's a great help! Still new to this, and appreciate all the comments and help

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October 02, 2011


Karen L. Swigart
  Your welcome Gina. I've been here for a few years and still learning my way around. You will find the people here are very nice and very helpful. I may be wrong but I think we are more adults than other web sites I've tried. Welcome to the group....

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October 02, 2011

- Kenneth De Pree

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kenneth De Pree
Kenneth De Pree's Gallery
  I doubt they will do anything with photos that didn't get judged before the end of September. Just assume the judges ran out of time and resubmit them in October.

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October 02, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  As of right now, they are all caught up through October 3.

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October 04, 2011


Gina Rosen
  Thanks Carolyn!

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October 04, 2011


Wendy M. Hansen-Penman
  Have all of you taken a class from BetterPhoto? I too have noticed the drop off in editor's picks in my pholio and was wondering if they just stop looking at you if you are not participating in the classes.

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October 06, 2011


Tiia Vissak
  I have never taken any classes and I usually get about 20-25 picks a month.

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October 06, 2011


Wendy M. Hansen-Penman
  Cool, thanks, I'll just work harder.

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October 06, 2011


Karen L. Swigart
  I've never taken classes either Wendy and I'd guess about 90% of the time I get an editors pick. Sometimes just looking at the pictures that win helps a lot. One thing to keep in mind though is that a picture that does not get an editors pick here does not mean that it is bad picture. I sell my pictures at art fairs and many of them that sell I wouldn't even enter into a contest here. There's some good competition here at BetterPhoto and they make me try to be a better photographer.

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October 06, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  I've also never taken a course. Can't afford it. Fixed income. But that's not the only way to learn around here. Read the articles the instructors write, they can be very helpful. Also, don't be afraid to ask people for help or how to do something, they are always willing to help. I've never found anybody who wasn't.

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October 06, 2011


Wendy M. Hansen-Penman
  Thank you very much for your responses. Makes me feel better, seeing as how I do not have the money to take the courses. I really like the site and the feedback I am getting from the other photographers, but was feeling a little discouraged as far as the contest goes. I know that part of judging photos is subjective as well. I will keep at it! Thanks for your input.

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October 06, 2011

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