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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Cheri Lyn Hauschild


How do I take pictures of fireworks? What film should I use?What type of lens, etc, etc, I am clueless. Thanks for any answers! Cheri Hauschild

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June 10, 2002


  Firework, like other night time photography, requires long exposure, sturdy platform and preferrably a shutter release cable (or electronic shutter release device). Usually I will use an ISO 200 speed film, set my camera on a tripod and expose the film at f11 for 2 seconds and bracket on the shutter speed. Make sure you save a frame or two for the finale. The firework will be most specticular at that moment. If you want to include a subject or a person, you may also use the flash. Just make sure it's on manual.

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June 10, 2002

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