BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Amelie J. Gort

How to delete a contest entry

I accidentally uploaded a pic into the contest entry that I have already done the previous month and was wondering how to delete from the entries?

Sorry about that,
Thanks for your time,

Amelie Gort

PS: The name of the pic is Daydreaming in Progress

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April 03, 2011


Tiia Vissak
  Go to My Member Center, from there go to My Better Photos (near the upper left corner) and from there Edit Your photos and delete this entry. Then you can upload another photo to the contest today. NB! It's also ok to compete with the same photo more than once (but not twice or more the same month). Some people do it if they believe that it deserves more than it got the last time and some even get a better badge (e.g. a Finalist).

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April 03, 2011

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