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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Ruth Panken

Editors Picks

When a photo is chosen as an "Editors Pick", which is the first round of the contest. How long does the photo remain a contender in the contest for the next level? Is it for the entire month?

Over the last two years I have many "Editors Picks" but I have never gotten to the second level. I am not sure why?

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March 24, 2011

- Eric Highfield

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Eric Highfield
Eric Highfield's Gallery
  Hi Ruth,

As far as I know there are several steps between receiving an Editor’s Pick and having a photo downselected as a Finalist. My information may be a little out of date, but I do recall there is at least EP, then Quarter finalist, then Semi finalist, before Finalist. A photo must pass each of these selection processes to become a Finalist. There are no “awards” for Quarter or Semi finalist and even the “EP” award is relatively new. In the old days we’d submit to the contest and not getting any indication until Finalist were announced.

The contest is far more competitive in terms of the caliber of the submission today than it was when I first joined. You have wonderful photos in you gallery, and should be proud of the EP’s you’ve received. My only advice is not to get discouraged. Thousands of photos are entered each month and only a few % ever make it to the finalist pool. You are consistently getting EP recognitions which is a good indication that you are on the right track. With continued perseverance, your time will come.

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March 24, 2011


Pat Harry
  Hi, Ruth! I'll second what Eric said - don't get discouraged. In February, there were nearly 18,000 entries in the contest (if I recall). I received a finalist - only my second one ever, and the other one was several years ago. There is just a lot of talent around here! Which is an excellent source for learning!!

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March 24, 2011


Ruth Panken
  Thanks for the encouragement. I will continue to submit photo's. Even the EP is for now are good enough.
I am still learning and some of my pictures are hit or miss. I am beginning to know the hit ones which is showing me that my photography skill is improving.

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March 24, 2011

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