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Photography Question 


Exposure Compensation

Dear Jeff or John,

Please explain what exposure compensation is?

I have several pictures on my first roll of 100 ISO film that I took with my new Minolta Maxxum. How do I go about putting them on

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June 06, 2002


John A. Lind
  Exposure compensation is an arbitrary adjustment of the camera's metering system. Meters are set to give a proper exposure of "middle gray" so that it renders it "middle gray" on film. If the subject material is exceptionally dark, and it's desired to keep it exceptionally dark, then the exposure must be different from what is metered. Other common situations include a dark, or shaded/shadowed subject against a brightly lit background and vice versa. These can skew metering systems which work to average between the two (light and dark regions) away from what's actually desired. Compensation is used to skew it back again. Skill with compensation is more or less learned by experience to recognize unusual lighting situations and the need to compensate for them.

As far as uploading imagery as part of a question, there should be an option to add an image to the question below where you entered it (scroll down to get to it). If it's anything like the option when answering one, you select the number of images to upload and if it's a number instead of "Select" in the box, you will get an additional page for uploading the image(s) after you hit the "Submit" button below it.

-- John

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June 10, 2002

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