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Photography Question 

Pat Harry

How did Mary Beth Aiello do this?

This is an amazing image! I was trying to come up with words to describe what I see - but I'm struggling. I feel like I can reach right in and touch the men. Or step into the photo. Obviously an outstanding image - but what post processing was done? (Am I asking for a photographer's secret? If so, my apologies!)

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February 10, 2011


Pat Harry
  Oops - here's the image:

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February 10, 2011

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Pat, why don't you just ask her? She'd be in the best position to tell you. And she's definitely great at what she does!

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February 11, 2011

- Mary Beth Aiello

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mary Beth Aiello
Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery
  Pat -- I see it's the photo "Charge."

First, this photo was taken at a re-enactment of the Battle of Bushy Run near Pittsburgh. The beauty is that I was standing in the middle of the action. In the thick of it, as they say, and the action is real -- gun shots, smoke, compelling expressions, noise, yelling, actors charging and running with rifles into the woods. It doesn't get any better than that. Tp me, that's the key, finding something unposed to photograph.

Second, in post production, I muted the colors to give a more "historic" feel to the photo. And I added a touch of light in the middle to draw the eye into the gunsmoke. Third, I added a darker vignette around the outside edges, acting as a frame to further draw the eye into the action.

Thanks so much for your kind comments. Hope this helps.

Thanks, Ken, for letting me know this was threaded.

Mary Beth

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February 11, 2011


Pat Harry
  Mary Beth, thank you - I'm going to study that photo again when I get home from work this evening. It's truly amazing. Thank you for sharing with me.

Ken, when I read your response, I had one of those "duh" moments. :) Of course I should have contacted Mary Beth!! Thank you.

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February 11, 2011

- Mary Beth Aiello

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mary Beth Aiello
Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery
I'll try to upload the photo.

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February 11, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Thanks for asking, Pat---and especially thanks for sharing, Mary Beth!!
I, too, am in awe of your captures of these kinds of re-enactments; you do beautiful, eye-catching work!

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February 11, 2011


Peter K. Burian
  And Mary Beth is a fabulous photographer. (a frequent BP contest winner, for good reason)

It would be worth spending time reviewing many of her other images!!


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February 26, 2011

- Mary Beth Aiello

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mary Beth Aiello
Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery
  Peter --

You are just too kind. And as I always say, your course was the first one I took on BetterPhoto -- and it made a world of difference. Got me on the best track.

Mary Beth

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February 26, 2011


Peter K. Burian
  Thanks, Mary Beth. Of course none of the courses can teach creative vision and that is the secret of your success.


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February 26, 2011

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