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Photography Question 

Angela C. Wood

How to light groups?

I've been asked to photograph some student groups. There will be about 25 kids in each class plus the teachers. The school is providing a light blue curtain background. I have three studio lights that I normally use for my portrait business.
What would be the best light set up for the group?
Thanks for any help on this topic!!

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February 08, 2011


John H. Siskin
  Hi Angela,
Try two lights at 45º at about 10 feet from the group. If you prefer to think of a clock face the group is where the hands meet the camera is at 12:00 and the lights are at 10:30 and 1:30. The lights need to be above the heads of the subjects. This way the shadows fall behind the subjects. Do not use umbrellas or soft boxes; you will lose too much light. Set the subjects up in 3 or 4 rows to keep things compact.
Thanks, John Siskin

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February 14, 2011


Angela C. Wood
  Thanks for the tips, John! It's much appreciated and I'll give it a go.
I never would have thought to use the lights without umbrellas or softboxes!


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February 15, 2011


John H. Siskin
  Hi Angie,
With a group this large, your lights are so far away that the diffusers have less utility. It doesn’t mean you wouldn’t like to have diffusers, but you generally need the power more. You might see if you can bounce a third light off the ceiling.
Thanks, John

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February 15, 2011

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