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Photography Question 

Janet L. Poole

Editing Photos

I enjoy editing my photos in Photoshop Elements and was interested in doing this for others part-time. Is there a market for this? How would you get started? Thanks.

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November 23, 2010

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Janet,
There are jobs for image editing but I guessing most will require Photoshop CS as Elements is a simplified version. Some photographers hire people to do their editing but I prefer to do mine myself and there is a fairly high demand in Graphic Arts and there are several schools that specialize in this field.
You may inquire at some local photography studios or print shops and ask what they are looking for as far as qualifications and expertise just to get an idea of what you need to focus on. You may find a nice opportunity as timing always plays a role and if you are in the right place at the right time - ????
Good Luck,

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November 23, 2010


Thom Schoeller
  I agree with Carlton, I think the need is for Graphic artist in the field of magazines and advertising. The full version PS CS is more dedicated to that.
Most advanced photographers probably wouldnt consider a third party for editing their work. Just as an example, I'll do a photoshoot of a subject with an idea/concept of how I want the image to appear as the final version. I think I would have a difficult time conveying my feelings and how the "minds eye" captured the scene.
I again second what Carlton said to sum up how to begin to get an idea of where to start looking.

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November 24, 2010

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