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Photography Question 

Jeffrey L. Harwell

Noise Reduction Software

I'm looking for a good noise reduction software. I've heard good things about Nik Dfine and Noise Ninja. Does anyone use these, and what have been your experiences?

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November 22, 2010


Patti Coblentz
  I have all of the Nik software and highly recommend it, including define!

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November 22, 2010

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  I have Noise Ninja and it's great!

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November 22, 2010


Lynn R. Powers
  If you purchase the 5D or the 5D Mk II that you were contemplating the noise reduction software will be unnecessary.
Providing that you have the proper exposure and the ISO is at 3200 or less for the 5D and 6400 for the 5DII. You do not seem to be shooting much in those high ISO numbers. When I approach them I get a nose bleed. :-)


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November 23, 2010


Randy A. Myers
  Noiseware is what I use. I find it to be very good. I use the shareware "stand alone" version.

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November 25, 2010


Jeremy D. West
  Nik define 2.0 works great. Give the trial a look.

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January 11, 2011

- Mary Beth Aiello

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mary Beth Aiello
Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery
  Jeffrey -- I also use Nik Define... and love it. Download from Nik the trial version and see for yourself.

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January 12, 2011


Peter K. Burian
  Yes, Noise Ninja or Nik Dfine are the best.

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January 27, 2011

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