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Photography Question 
- Philip B. Ludwig

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Philip B. Ludwig
Philip B. Ludwig's Gallery

looking for good website to sell prints of photos

Hello, I am considering trying to sell prints of some of my photos. I know there are websites that take care of the printing, framing, and shipping for you. My question is has anyone used a website like this, and could someone recommend a good trustworthy site? Thanks, Philip

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August 18, 2010


Thom Schoeller
  Hi Phillp,

I sent you an email via your BP web page. Something to consider, I have had excellent results from both. Lady Audrey's Gallery in Cornwall Ct also uses the framer. Cheers!

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August 18, 2010

- Philip B. Ludwig

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Philip B. Ludwig
Philip B. Ludwig's Gallery
  Thanks Thomas, but for some reason I didn't get your email. Philip

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August 19, 2010


Thom Schoeller
  Hi Philip,

Sorry about that, under your name it offers "contact Philip" and thats what I did. If you can supply me with an email I can contact you direct. will get you to me.

In responce to Nobi, couldnt disagree more with using Smug. Nothing personal, speaking from experience and operating a photography business. BP is the bom. BP pro site is not as labor intensive as setting up Smug, and you dont have to PAY for additional computer assistance for site design. I had an unpleasant experience. They DO offer 2 photo labs, but expect similar cropping of your photos like a Costco. Dont leave your precious final print results up to a stranger.

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August 20, 2010

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