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Photography Question 

Ilene M. Hertz

White Balance Settings in Metadata

Is there a quick way to tell in either Lightroom 2 or PS5 whether the WB was set to auto or to a custom setting from a grey card?
I'm shooting RAW images using a Nikon D70s. I use Lightroom for a photo database and PS5 for editing. (I'm very new to Photoshop)
Many thanks.

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July 28, 2010


Peter K. Burian
  Hi Ilene, No. For some reason Adobe simply does not provide much shooting data. (The data in Photoshop is under File .... File Info)

The alternative would be to install the Nikon software that came with the camera. That does provide more data.


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August 02, 2010


Ilene M. Hertz
  Thanks for the reply, Peter.

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August 02, 2010

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