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Photography Question 
- Christine Zipps

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Zipps
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Rights to sell photos taken outside at a resort?

I am editing photos taken at a 5-star resort - along the grounds, all outside. I'm pretty thrilled with them and would like to include them in my online "store" (shopping cart site) collection.
However, am sensing a bit of a "grey area" between what would be regarded as "public" and "private" as far as rights to sell.
Should I try to get a release to sell these from their customer relations department or think it'll be safe to proceed without?
Thanks much!

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June 26, 2010


Connie Campbell
I was a web moderator for a large travel corporation. In a contest that we had running people were to submit their photos etc of a bad vacation experience in hopes to win a dream vacation.

The regulations we had were simple. As long as the person was not attempting to sell or claim the name of a business such as a hotel name, the photo was acceptable to use.

Being that the photos are yours and I am assuming the subject of the photo is not the hotel/resort itself... you should be ok.

However, for safety sake, I would contact their CR department to cover all bases. It may also be wise to research copyright laws regarding your photographs and the subjects in them. I know that for people you need permission to utilize their image for sale.... I am not sure about business.

Good Luck

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June 27, 2010


Thom Schoeller
  Its "possible" the resort may have copyright to their resort name/logo etc. I bet they are aware @ 99% of their customers are taking pictures on their vacations at the resort. Therefore if you didnt actually see in plain sight signs forbidding you to photograph on the resort grounds or taking images of the resort I seriously doubt the resort has any issue with the images being used in the manner which you plan to.

Do you honestly feel there may be a market for selling prints of this kind? Just looking at it from my perspective being in the business Im thinking it would be a difficult sell.

Wish you the Best!

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June 27, 2010

- Christine Zipps

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Christine Zipps
Christine Zipps's Gallery
  Thank you, Connie and Thomas - I appreciate your feedback - very helpful!

Thomas, I do feel that they have good potential with the treatment I have done to them, they look like "paintings" of European settings, actually, at least this first series...

Happy trails,


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June 28, 2010

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