- Melissa Papaj Contact Melissa Papaj Melissa Papaj's Gallery |
Copyright Infringement Hi everyone! I am not sure where to post this, but I wanted to amek you aware of it. A photographer named Sean Peele had been stealing other photographers images (including mine) and using them on his website as his own. I am trying to make the photography community aware of his actions as this is the second website he has created with other photographers website, so even though we were all able to ban together and get his second website taken down, I am sure he will try to do it again. Here is the link to my blog with all the information on it. http://melissapapajphotography.blogspot.com/2010/04/abc-channel-4-utah-news.html Let's send a message to photographers like this that it is NOT okay to steal others work!
Ronald H. Musser |
do you have you images registared with the federal copyright office.
R K Stephenson |
He is quite well known on Photo.net (http://photo.net/wedding-photography-forum/00W132) His website (http://seanpeelephotography.com) is gone so his borrowing days may be over.
- Melissa Papaj Contact Melissa Papaj Melissa Papaj's Gallery |
He actually has done this twice...his first website was seanpeelephotography and this time it was aglimpseofyouphotography. I wouldn't be surprised if we see more of him... I don't Ronald, but I will from this point forward...
Ronald H. Musser |
It is a shame that so many people think that because they see it on the web, that they can use it in any manner they wish. As I understand it once you capture an image your copyright is established. Even without registration with the federal copyright office, you can get a cease and desist ruling, and file for compensation. the judgement may be smaller because of non registration, but it sends a message to the offender and if he continues to use your work. the courts have no problem increase the judgement. I had a image used by a magazine and was awarded compensation. It is a hassle, and those that steal know and hope that the process will discourage the photographer from filing.
Thom Schoeller |
I came across this late but nevertheless just wanted to confirm that you dont need to register your images with the federal copyright office to be protected by copyright infringment laws. (Although I wouldnt say never do it) Further, if an image is used without your permission the copyright act allows you to ask for statutory damages. Damages could range anywhere from several hundred dollars to $150,000 for each infringed photograph. Always attach copyright notice to your images consisting of the word "copyright" or the (c) symbol then your name and the year. I agree, the abuse is terrible. Thanks Melissa for the heads up on Sean Peele! Had my own issues with stolen images. Mercedez-Benz published one of my images on their website without permission recently.. An beware the magazine "Livin' the Vermont Way" not to be confused with Vermont Life. Last year they contacted me to use one of my "Old West Bennington Vt. Church" images. They were looking for a professionally made, interesting photo for a religion article. However, she claimed they really had "no money" to pay for it. I told them dont publish the image, period. I looked for the issue when it was due out, fortunately they did not use MY image however they took the liberty of stealing a FlickR users image(s) off their photostream and thanked "Flickr" for the use of the photos! FlickR does not grant the use of their members copyright images.
Ronald H. Musser |
You are limited to statutory damages and thus the amount of money you may collect. By filing with the copyright office, you can fill for puntative damages as well.
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