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Photography Question 

Nichon L. Thorstrom Smith


I shoot sports photography and I had a recent problem with my SB-900 flash and overheating. I was on picture 125-ish and my flash quit working because it was too hot. I had to wait about 15 minutes until it cooled down and then I got about 15 shots off again before it shut down again for overheating. This continued for the rest of the shoot ( about two and a half hours.) When I have teams lined up every 20 minutes it was a boarder line disaster. Thank goodness for an on camara flash, although I had a lot of shadow editing to take care of afterwards. I use a Nikon D-300 camera, shoot in RAW and had the flash set at
TTL BL. I took it in to have it checked out and the camera store lent me another SB-900 for another shoot, again the flash seemed to heat up after 150 shots. This time the teams were spaced out a bit more so there was more down time between teams but the temp on the flash was on its way up again. Mind you I am not shooting non stop. Perhaps 45 kids per hour plus a couple of team photos. WHy is this happening? I never had issues with the old SB-800.

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March 24, 2010


Sandy Hawkins
  I can't tell you why this happens, but it is a fairly common problem with the SB-900. I use the same camera, same flash...I have three SB-900 units. Try calling Nikon to see what they say. I don't usually have a problem as I don't shoot in high numbers all at one time.

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March 24, 2010


Nichon L. Thorstrom Smith
  Thanks Sandy! I appreciate your time in answering. I will try to question a Nikon rep. I'm glad to hear it isnt just me!! I was thinking somehow was my camera to blame. Silly as that seems . . . Cheers!

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March 24, 2010

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Nishon,
This may not be a bug or fixable problem and if you are using & relying on the flash to get the shots you want - I think it would be wise to invest in a 2nd SB-900 (or other flash) for alternating & as a backup. This way you can shoot 100 pics, switch the flash and shoot 100 more while the 1st one cools down :)
You can also do more creative shooting using 2 flashes. Check out to get some great ideas... I am Canon shooter & carry both flashes - 580EX & 430EX with me for these reasons.
my .02,

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March 25, 2010


Nichon L. Thorstrom Smith
  Thanks Carlton . . . I have since purchased the SB-600 to have as a back up flash. I guess I was surprised that the 900 got so warm since I had never had issues with the older SB-800 I had . . . shooting all the same teams in the past years. The 800 eventually blew out on me but it was a work horse! I will check out the site you recommended. Thanks!!

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March 25, 2010

- Erica Murphy

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Erica Murphy
Erica Murphy's Gallery
  When I shoot sports with a flash I use the flash for fill so it doesn't have to work so hard. For night football games my settings without the flash were: ISO 1600, f/1.8, 1/400. With the flash I push the ss up to 1/500 and keep everything else the same. That way the flash doesn't slow me down and recycle time is much, much shorter when it doesn't have to work so hard. I'm not sure if that will help you, but thought I'd throw it out there for you.

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March 27, 2010

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