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BetterPhoto Member

Upgrading from D700

Hello everyone,

As of now I'm shooting with a D700.Before this I was using the Minolta Maxxum 7. Seeing the direction that Nikon is headed with their prices I was wondering if I would be better off buying the Sony Alpha 900 and using my Minolta lenses instead of waiting for an upgrade to the Nikon D700.

Any help or suggestions on the subject would be welcomed.

Best of Light !!!

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November 14, 2009


Randy A. Myers
  One thing to consider is the newer the lens, the better the technology they used to design and build it. I would base my decision on which camera and system I preferred working with. Ergonomics and image quality would be my factors. Yours may differ. In the long run, it's just money anyway. LOL! Good luck with your decision.

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November 18, 2009


Bob Cammarata
  "...the newer the lens, the better the technology they used to design and build it."

This is not necessarily true.
New lenses are like new cameras. They may indeed be a notch above their predecessors technologically but they, like camera bodies, are designed to be upgraded and likely won't last as long as the older Nikkors.

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November 22, 2009 - Donald R. Curry

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Donald R. Curry
Donald R. Curry's Gallery
  You are fortunate to be in such a dilemma. I just wish I could upgrade to a D700. If you decide to toss it out with the trash please let me know. LOL

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November 26, 2009


Jeffrey R. Whitmoyer
  Like Donald, I would be happy to be in your situation. If he doesn't want it, I certainly do. You have an extremely good piece of equipment to build a system with. Once you have all the glass you need it becomes a matter of replacing the body, which in this case I wouldn't do till it has made its last possible shutter click.
If you have a need to upgrade, the next step is the D3X which takes you to the resolution of medium format film cameras. How much better does it get than that? If you don't wish to pay for Nikon glass there are some pretty good alternatives from the aftermarket manufacturers, at substantial savings.
Why start over from scratch when you have a good base to start from now?

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November 28, 2009


Peter K. Burian
  ...Why start over from scratch when you have a good base to start from now?... Amen!

Michael: The D700 is a superb camera. That's my primary camera these days. But you can check my Review of the D700 versus the Sony a900 at

OR my Sony a850 review at

Cheers! Peter

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December 13, 2009

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