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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Flash on my Epson Photo PC

My flash is too bright. How do I soften the flash so that it produces less washout of close up subjects??

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January 07, 2000


Doug D. Maxwell
  You might try a white handkerchief or kleenex (unused of course)

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February 09, 2000 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Does your Epson allow you to turn off the flash? If so, I would turn it off and try to use natural light (i.e. outdoors on a bright overcast day) or another continuous lighting. If you cannot override it (and the above suggestion does not soften the light enough), I would try eliminating it by covering it with black tape. See what happens.

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March 20, 2000

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