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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

how to double expose a picture

I have a canon rebel 2000 and am interested in taking some double exposed photos. How can I shoot double exposure?

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May 02, 2002


Jon Close
  The procedure is described in your owners manual.

I found this procedure for older Rebel models, it might be the same for the Rebel 2000:

Multiple exposure.

Pushing the two rear buttons together simultaneously sets the multiple exposure count (1 to 9). This allows you to take multiple photos without winding to the next frame, thereby creating very ugly pictures. Or for taking a photo of someone superimposed over another background, like a Victorian ghost picture. You can’t shoot multiple exposures in the green full auto mode, the soft focus mode or any of the PIC (icon) modes. And if you want to take particularly ugly pictures you can shoot more than 9 exposures if you insist - just reset the counter when it reaches 2 each time.

It’s usually necessary to decrease the exposure value of each exposure when shooting multiple exposures. The manual suggests -1 stop compensation when shooting 2 exposures, -1.5 for 3 and -2 for 4, as a general rule of thumb.

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May 02, 2002

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