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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

bst beginner camera for landscapes

OK I have read reviews and pros opinions etc. The battle between Nikon and Canon is insane. I have decided on Nikon based on reviews that said they were better quality and lens adaptability was higher. Anyway, I am interested in shooting landscapes. I have read about the Nikon N60, N65, N80. ANd then the Canon EOS Rebel 2000. Please could you point me in the direction of a model I should buy.

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May 01, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Jackie, the most important element in photography is the lens. So when when looking for a camera body bear in mind that you want to have enough money left over to buy a good lens. Beyond that, the most important feature you will want in a camera body for landscapes are spot metering and good solid construction (and possibly one that is sealed against moisture). I don't know anything about the current models on the market so I can't steer you in a direction. All I can say is go to a camera store and play with the various models. See which one feels best in your hands.

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May 02, 2002

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