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Photography Question 

Ryan Glaze

Need someone to edit photos


I am looking for some good resources where I can find someone to perform the edits on the wedding photos that I take. I have found that the editing process is one of the most time consuming (no brainer, there) aspects of running my business. I would like to entertain the idea of outsourcing this portion of the business. It wouldn't seem wise to run an ad in the paper or even on craigslist. I figured someone, somewhere has created a network of people who their main role is to edit images. Where would you go, who would you seek out if you were looking to outsource this role?

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January 16, 2009


Jenni E. Miller
  Hi Ryan,

You might want to check out There are a lot of free-lance websites out there, but I can only speak to because I use it :-) I have a photography account and when I'm searching the photography jobs I always see postings from people looking to outsource their work for editing. I also notice that they get a lot of bids too. Hope this helps.

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January 22, 2009


Jordan Ewert
  Hi Ryan, I might be willing to edit some of your photography.

or for my personal, more stylized work go to

I am very experienced in Lightroom and Photoshop


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February 19, 2009

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