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Photography Question 

Kay Blackman

Bought Portra 160VC. Set ASA to 100 or 200?

I bought Porta 160VC film. On my old Minolta SLR SRTSC-II camera, no ASA setting for 160. Should I set my ASA at 100 or 200?

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January 02, 2009


Jon Close
  ISO = ASA. The ASA dial on the SRT SC-II has 2 dots between 100 and 200. The first is for ASA/ISO 125, the second for 160. See p. 16-17 of the manual (LINK).

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January 02, 2009


Mark Feldstein
  Color negative stock like Porta 160 gets better color saturation at slight overexposure, like about 3/4 to one full stop. Working at either 100 or 125 ASA/ISO should be fine as long as the folks in the lab know how to print or set their printer. No adjustment to the processing of the negatives is necessary.

BTW, color transparency film produces better saturation at 1/3 to 1/2 a stop UNDER exposed.
Take it light.

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January 02, 2009


Kay Blackman
  Thank you all for answering my question. When I received my camera, I didn't get a user manual booklet to go with it.

I'm sorry for not responding back to you sooner but I had trouble logging on.

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January 09, 2009


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Kay ! You can score an original manual for your camera at Craig Camera (No relation to the list). The page link is

Scroll all the way down the page til you get to product # MIN 0099 and order that one. It's for the SRT SC-II. Cost is $25 bucks. Manuals are well worth it, especially in a crunch. Craig is great !
Take it light ;>)

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January 09, 2009


Christopher A. Walrath
  I can email you a .pdf of the manual. Send me an email to my magazine email.

I'll send it back. Check out the magazine at


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January 09, 2009


Kay Blackman
  Thanks all for the information. Jon C. in his response had a link to a pdf file of the manual that I download on my computer. I will check with to see about ordering a hard copy.

Thanks and have a great day.

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January 09, 2009

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