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Photography Question 

Carlos A. Gallostra

Flashing White on Camera's Monitor

My faithful Nikon D2 continues to perform well, however, recently I noticed that white areas on the images on the monitor, flash on and off. I must assume I have programmed something wrong on the camera. Any help is more than appreciated!

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December 28, 2008


Jon Close
  Check your instruction manual. You have inadvertently selected "Highlights" in the Display Mode. Areas of the photo that might be overexposed will blink.

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December 28, 2008


Carlos A. Gallostra
  Thank you so very much.

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December 29, 2008


The white flashing that you see on your camera monitor indicates the areas of the image that is over exposed, to view the image without overexposure info, use the down arrow key while the image is displayed

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December 30, 2008

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