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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

shooting right into the sunset

I was in big sur photographing the sun just as it was setting. Needless to say it was very bright out. All the photos from that film were over exposed and I am wondering if the cause could be that the sun messed with the film overexposeing the whole role of film.
thanks, lynora

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November 21, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Nah. Odds are it was something you didn't set right, or something about the way you shot it.
Nobody can really tell without going through an exhausted list of hypotheticals that may fit what happened unless you explain more or provide a picture.
I can think of a situation where you'd get an over shot pictures looking into the sun, but that could be nothing like what you were doing that day.

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November 21, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  Were you following your camera's recommendations for exposure? That can get you decent photographs but if you want to nail it everytime you need to learn how to make the camera's features (aperture, shutter speed, light meter, et al) work for you instead of against you. And that is the case for many not-so-knowledgable photographers the world around. I would get into it here but it would take a few scrolls to cover and you can't go back and edit after you post so my fast typing would be typoed to a T. There are classes available here at There is lots of literature in books and online material that can lay it out for you. Try my own website. I have a huge tutorial section for photographic practices and principles.

If we want our photography to be ebtter then we must invest the time and learn how to do it right. It's not wasy, but it is simple.

Thank you

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November 22, 2008


Christopher A. Walrath
  'ebtter'. See what I mean?


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November 22, 2008


  this just might help you when you shoot sun set trun around and use that light reading that should help most of the time need hold down too your ready too shoot that sun set

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November 25, 2008

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