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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Low resolution

Sorry if this question is a "no-brainer" but my friend has a digital canon power shot and when she tries to upload her pix they are all ahowing up as "low resolution". I know this has to do with the pixels, but I am not sure how she needs to adjust her camera settings in order to improve the resolution. Thanks so much for any help you can offer.

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October 30, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Meghan,
The camera operator needs to be familiar with the operation of the camera. It would be best if he/she took time to read the manual.

The digital camera is used for many applications. To satisfy all needs the user can set the resolution for their application. On the Canon menu selection:
L (large) for making large prints
M (medium for making 8 x 10 prints
S (small) for email images
W (wide) for panorama shots.

I advise you read the manual or play with the camera in menu mode and set it for L (large). With this setting, if you happened to capture a super great picture, you can have an enlargement made.

Likely this camera is set to S (small).

I might be better if these menu options were protected against accidental change. I will drop that note in the suggestion box.

Best of luck,

Alan Marcus (marginal technical gobbledygook)

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October 30, 2008


John P. Sandstedt
  Alan's reponse might be right, but I there's probably a much simpler answer.

Depending on which program you use to download, after uploading open one of your images using your image editor [presumably one of the Photoshops.]

Open Image > Image Size and check both the resolution AND the image dimensions. I often see 72 ppi and a 48 X 36 image size displayed for images shot with my Canon 30D. With my wife's Canon A630, I see 180 ppi and some weird image dimensions.

All I do is change the dimensions to 8X12 at 300 ppi.

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October 30, 2008

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