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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

about details

Dear Sir,

I just want to take picture of humen being in outdoor.I just want to know that which is the color negative for fine details. I have taken pictur "proplus 100" but result was not upto the mark, so please sir tell the best negative for fine details

Thanking you
With best regards

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October 20, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Mahavir,

The film you describe is a Fuji product common to Indonesia and South America. The speed value assigned to this film is 100 ISO. This film has sufficient resolution to take pictures of people with excellent results.

If you are experiencing poor results using this film, it is likely that some other factors are at work. I suggest you shoot a test roll and take it to a reliable photo developing shop for developing and printing. Take your camera along and allow the shop personnel to take a look at your camera. Perhaps they will give you advice and council on camera settings.

Also, consider reading the camera manual.

Best of luck,

Alan Marcus

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October 20, 2008

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