Tara R. Swartzendruber |
How to Make Eyes Brighter
Is there a way to make eyes brighter/more blue in a photo? I have PSE6. Thanks!
October 15, 2008
Pete H |
Pretty easy fix Tara. "Select" eyes. "Feather" about 3. "Levels" up in RGB mode master.. then select "blue" from drop down box. Pull right side slider to the left. That's one way, and by far the easiest.
October 16, 2008
Richard Lynch |
One of the oddball solutions I came up with for this is as follows: 1. create a new layer at the top of the stack. 2. paint with white over the eyes (yes, the whole thing). 3. blur so the edges get nice and soft. 4. change the layer mode to overlay. 5. lower the opacity till it looks pleasing. This will usually whiten whites, and can brighten colors, but it depends on the exposure. It also serves to pull up sunken eyes a bit. You'll be surprised how rough you can be with the application, but take care not to blow out detail with too much opacity.
October 16, 2008
Tara R. Swartzendruber |
Thanks to both of you. I've already tried Pete's way and it worked great. I will try what you wrote Richard, as well. It's good to have options for different situations!!
October 16, 2008
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