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Photography Question 

Margie R. Kirby

Going Digital/ Lens Question

I have been a film user for a very long time. However, I am going to purchase my first digital camera in the near future. I am brand new to the digital world. Right now, I am in research mode. I currently have a Canon Elan7e and have 2 EF lenses. I am looking at purchasing the Canon 40D. Recently I heard some second hand information regarding lenses. I was told that you must have a "digital lens" to work on the digital cameras. I have the understanding that my EF lenses will work on the digital camera. I have watched a promo video that states the Canon EF and EF-S lenses will work on the 40D. Am I correct? Or is there a "digital" specific lens that I'm just not aware of. I would appreciate any type of input that you may have to offer. Thank you in advance!

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September 19, 2008


Jon Close
  Both EF and EF-S lenses can be mounted and used on your 40D. The EF-S lenses are digital only, they will not fit on your Elan 7e, and would't fill the film frame if they could since they're designed for the smaller digital sensor of the Digital Rebels and 20D/30D/40D/50D. The EF-S design allows for shorter focal lengths with greater zoom range than is possible with the larger EF lens design. Thus a 10-22, 17-55 f/2.8, 17-85, and 18-200 zooms are possible in the EF-S lines, where in EF the widest-angle zooms are 16-35 f/2.8L and 17-40 f/4L.

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September 19, 2008


Margie R. Kirby
  Hi Jon! Thanks for your information. It was helpful. Is there a quality difference in using the EF-S lenses over the EF lenses with a digital camera? Do you have any pros or cons to state? At this point, unless I learn differently, I would like to continue using the EF lenses for a couple of reasons. My lenses are new and I really don't want to buy new ones to replace them and if something were to happen to the digital camera then I can still take photographs with my film camera. But, if you have some important information to consider then I will gladly do so. I want to make a very good and informed decision regarding my future purchases. Thanks out there!

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September 20, 2008

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