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Photography Question 

joy e. GLENN

ISO 50 film usage

what kind of pictures can I take with iso 50 (Ilford) I used some with backlighting from a window in an antique store, and they are beautiful...but when I toke pic of my husband on the golf course, they turned out very dark (unusable) was a sunny day with shadows from pine trees.

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April 14, 2002


doug Nelson
  Joy, you may have been caught in the same situation as I since I acquired a camera that meters the whole scene. The sunlight may have over-influenced your meter and caused you to underexpose. If you can take a reading from a middle gray area, use that. If you have an averaging meter, as I do on my rangefinder camera, keep in mind that the bright light will cause this problem and give it two stops more exposure, and shoot again giving it one stop.
If you can handle the slow speeds, stick with this film. If you're into image quality, this may be your photographic niche.

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April 15, 2002

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