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Photography Question 

Sam Howls

Changing from 35mm to Slide film

I am considering puting aside my negatives and changing over to slide but I know hardly anything about it, can someone help me please and tell me what I need to know, if possible including any expenses it may carry.


Sam :o)

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April 04, 2002


doug Nelson
  You're going to have to be a lot more careful about exposure. The good side of that is if you get consistently good exposures using slide film, you've mastered exposure (for that particular camera).
Consider going digital, scanning your slides with a film scanner. A cheapie won't do, but a new Nikon 2000 LS is a bargain buy these days, as it has been superceded by the 4000 ppi model. I mention this because having slides printed can be a royal pain. You can do better prints yourself.
Try Fuji Provia 100, or Fujichrome (avalable at WalMart). Try Kodachrome 64.

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April 04, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Doug makes some good points to which I will add, slide film is a bit more expensive but the developing is cheaper since you don't have to have prints made. Also, you will need some way to view the slides when you get them back. The best and simplist way is a small light box and a loupe. I would avoid Kodachrome 64. Not because it is a bad film. On the contrary, it's a wonderful film. But there are only a few labs left in the country that process it so you will end up sending it off. Consequently, it is more expensive to process and takes much longer. A local lab should be able to process standard E6 and get it back to you in a day or two. Beyond that, my biggest piece of advice is to brush up on your metering skills because you have to be much more precise with slides than you do with negs.

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April 04, 2002


Sam Howls
  Thanks for the information, it is much appreicated


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April 05, 2002

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