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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How to shoot in very low light

Hello, I recently acquired a Holga and Diana camera which allow me to leave the shutter open for as long as I want. But how do I know the exact time to leave it open for varying levels of darkness without over or under-exposing?

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April 03, 2002


  Well, you will have to meter the scene with a hand held meter. I am not familiar with these cameras so I don't know if they have built in meters or how good they are. The truth of the matter is that low light photography is a challenging endeavor you will at least have to know some of the basics about metering shadows and midtones, high speed films (i.e. Kodak Supra 800 and Tmax 3200), monopods/tripods and how to minimize camera shake. I hope this doesn't scare you, but its the truth if you desire quality images.

Happy Shooting!!!

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April 04, 2002

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