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BetterPhoto Member

Digital Camera seems to be broken

Hi All,

I am new here and really need some advice. I recently borrowed a friends digital camera (fuji finipix) and although the camera wasn't great it served its purpose fairly ok and I returned the camera to her. She attempted to use it today and its not working. She says it wont focus, the shots are blurry and streaky and pinkish/green.

I actually only used it once and all my photos were fine and I had no problem with it. The only thing I think I could have done that was maybe not so clever is leave the batteries in the camera for maybe 2 weeks before I returned it to her. I have no idea what has caused this to happen and I'm sure she thinks I did something terrible to it. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this as I really cant afford to buy her a new camera at the moment but feel I will have to now unless I can figure out whats wrong with it.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

Looking forward to all responses

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May 01, 2008


I understand your concern. first of all have you inspected the camera yourself to be sure there's no human error. secondly' you can expect this model to malfunction sooner or later, that's why you don't see any working Fuji's more than three hundred years old.

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May 02, 2008


James Scott Stone
  Karen very nice of you let some use your camera some time thing just happen with focus it could be contact might have dust on it. Just take camera store could somebody help you there. Scott s.

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May 02, 2008

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