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Photography Question 

Karen Celella

Canon PS2 broken!

The lens will not retract and the camera will not function at all. I get a beep and it says E18. Can the camera be fixed for under $100.?
Thank you for your help.

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April 16, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Have you contacted Canon?

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April 16, 2008


Karen Celella
  Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your quick response. I have tried two different Canon numbers with no success so far. The camera is about 3 years old and not under warranty so they are not interested in helping. Maybe I just don't know the correct number to call, but so far no help. Any ideas?

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April 16, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  You can request a repair here:

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April 16, 2008


Jon Close
  Minimum repair cost is likely to be at least $100. Googling turned up that E18 typically means that the lens extension mechanism is jammed. Maybe just a little dirt that can easily be cleared from between the lens tubes, maybe something more serious. Another thing to try (cross your fingers) is just to reset the camera by removing the battery for several minutes (or overnight to clear any internal backup battery/memory) then replace.

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April 16, 2008


Karen Celella
  Good Morning Jessica. Thanks very much for the link for repairs. While I was trying to find the date of purchase for the camera I received more info, so for now I'm going to try the do-it-yourself method since the camera is two years old. If that doesn't work then I will send it. I really appreciate your time and help. THANK YOU!

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April 22, 2008


Karen Celella
  Good Morning Jon,
Thank you very much for the link to the do-it-yourself method. I started to remove some screws last night and will continue to investigate but it is quite intimidating. I certainly do not want to create a bigger problem. I have the Power Shot S2 IS which is not pictured, but the other illustrations are very helpful anyway. So wish me luck for now and I appreciate your help and will update you on my progress.

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April 22, 2008

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