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Photography Question 

Jody W. Hanley

can sunlight damage a 35mm camera

I did something bone headed today and left my camera's film door open in the sunlight for about a minute (no film in it) can a camera be damaged in this manner?

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April 05, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Not likely, Jody. In fact, probably not. OTOH, if you had the lens open and mirror up so that sunlight was continuously focused through the lens onto the shutter curtain, that might cause a problem like a light focused through a magnifying glass. But in the situation you describe, I really doubt any damage occurred,

The best way to check out any camera is run some film through it and look at the negatives. That'll tell you for sure whether your shutter is operating properly and light tight between exposures. It'll also help you determine whether the seals/gaskets around the film compartment are light tight or whether they could use replacing. That's a cheap fix, btw.
Take it light ;>)

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April 05, 2008


Jody W. Hanley

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April 05, 2008


Bob Cammarata
  According to Al Gore, the sun cannot affect anything.
(But the coal-burning plants and those evil folks in their S.U.V.'s...that's another story.) :)

Seriously though, it's doubtful than an open back would be harmful to the internal "organs" of a film camera.
I would be more concerned about contaminants getting in there and fouling things up than a brief exposure to the sun's rays.

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April 06, 2008


Samuel Smith
  oh geez my thanks to bob.boy I can vision an editorial cartoon.i need to pay more attention,sam

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April 06, 2008

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