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Photography Question 

Janet Detota

Bottom 2/3 of shots are Black!

Tonight I was taking a ton of shots to get my battery to run down so I could recharge it for an upcoming outing suddenly the bottom 2/3 of my shots are coming out black! I changed the battery, lens and card, but it hasn't helped. I've tried different speeds and settings, but no change! What happened and how do I fix it? Please help! I have a Canon Digital Rebel 300 EOS....

Thank you! Janet

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April 03, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  Either you were shooting at a shutter speed that your flash doesn't support. Like, above 250.

Or, maybe the shutter is broken.

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April 03, 2008


Janet Detota
  Hi Jerry,

Thanks, but I wasn't using a flash. I took the lens off to see if the shutter wasn't releasing, but it is.


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April 03, 2008


Jon Close
  Is the mirror (and submirror behind it) flipping up completely? It is relatively common for old 300D's to have a failure of the mirror mechanism.

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April 03, 2008


Janet Detota
  I'm not real sure if both are flipping up. I know at least one is. Can't see the sub mirror. Is there a way to check that? Is this an expensive repair as far as you know?

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April 03, 2008


Janet Detota
  Ok. I fiddled with the mirror and the front one was stuck down and is now working, but now.....the auto focus won't work. I changed the lens so it's not the lens. Any ideas about this? How much does it typically cost to have a camera professionally cleaned and do you think that could be the problem?
Thanks for suggesting about the mirrors, Jon!

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April 03, 2008


Jon Close
  The sub-mirror is just behind the main mirror that you see, and it directs light to the AF sensors that are at the bottom of the mirror box. The sub-mirror is probably now stuck against the main mirror. A Canon Service Center will replace the mirror assembly an improved version so it'll last longer, but it's ~$200. This link shows how to do a DIY repair, but it is very involved and not recommended for first-timers.

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April 04, 2008


Janet Detota
  Thanks again, Jon! Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but it makes sense. I won't be trying to fix it myself and it's doubtful I'll pay to have it fixed. Guess I need to get serious about saving my pennies for a new camera. Sigh.....

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April 04, 2008

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