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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Carolyn Swadley

computers and monitors

I need to buy a new computer. What should I be looking for regarding memory, etc. for photography. Also a monitor.....
I am not very savy on computers so help!!!!!!!
Thanks. :)

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March 21, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Carolyn;

First, Make sure that memory cards are available. Second, contact the computer manufacturer about upgrading your hard drive. They actually may sell you a hard drive and send the download discs specific to your computer. Hewlitt Pacard sold me a 560 gig hard drive with download discs for my compaq for a very reasonable price. As for monitors, I've found that my 19 inch flat panel works wonders. Monitors are available up to as large as the biggest High Def televisions. Yes, most of the new hi=def tv's have the svga input for your computer.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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March 28, 2008


Carolyn Swadley
  Thanks Mark. I have a Dell. My husband is going to give them a call.
I have also considered storing my photos on a flashdrive. Anyone have experience with that?

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March 28, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  I have an external 320 gig hard drive that I use for storage/ I also back mine up on photo cd. My external is available at Wal-Mart for about 150.00. It's well worth the money.

I'm glad to help.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

BTW, may have your memory cards for less. That's where I got mine.

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March 28, 2008

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