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Gayle Koehler

Olympus C2000 Battery Cover fails

The battery cover on my Olympus 2000C will not stay closed. I am unable to figure out just "how" it latches. It almost appears to latch on the "plus" side of a battery. Anyway, it pops open if I touch any controls on the camera, such as "use the lcd" or "change to no flash" or "view shots." When it does this, the batteries will fall out and need immediate recharging. Taping it shut does not work, either.
I contacted Olympus Tech, but they did not respond.
It would probably cost more than the camera is worth to send it in. I really love this camera and have won some awards with shots I have taken with it. I am an artist and use it for all my digital artwork. I know how to use it. It is just enough camera for me - a "no-brainer." But as it is, I can no longer use it for my commercial photography.
I look like an idiot out on a shoot when batteries fall and I have to say "farewell" for today.

I would appreciate any suggestions or help that you can think of. You can email me, too at

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March 04, 2008


Jon Close
  Oly's 2000C is just a 2mp digi introduced 9 years ago. As much as you may have liked it, you can do much better today, in virtually all respects (resolution, high ISO performance, etc.). Write it off for lost and go shopping. ;-)

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March 04, 2008


Gayle Koehler
Thanks for the info. I know how old it is because I bought it new 9 years ago for $1,200. It was a "thrill a minute," using it. I don't mind putting it away and getting a new one, but don't want to put it away broken. And the 2.5mp is "forgiving" of errors. I am thinking of getting a video camera that also takes stills. What is your opinion of that? And if you agree, what kind?

BTW: I, myself, have a lot of years behind me and not as many in front of me. I am certain a younger version of me might seem to be better, but I don't want to be thrown away, either! Sometimes familiarity is easier and happier than newer! Especially if 'fixed up" and rejuvenated. I want to fix that battery cover!

Thanks for your help.

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March 05, 2008


Jon Close
  I have little knowledge and no opinion on a video camera. Good luck!

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March 05, 2008


Sarah G

They don't have your 2000C listed, but maybe you could try them. They have a phone number on the link I gave you. They do not take phone orders but will answer questions if they can. They also have an e-mail at the bottom of the page for when you are looking for something specific.

I do NOT know the place and do NOT know their reputation.

You've done well by your camera. It has only cost you $11.11/month for the last 9 years. It has most certainly been an economical camera considering how long it has lasted. You can be thankful for that.

You say that tape won't work...even the infamous duck tape? Any way a strong rubber band might work?

It is amazing the quality of the camera you could now buy for the same $1200. There is a strong chance that if you do buy a new camera, that once you start using it you will wonder why you waited so long.

My kids have cheap digitals that will record video too and they love them. I would NOT recommend the cheap ones we bought for them, but you MIGHT find something that you will like with a video feature since you don't appear to be interested in the Digital SLR level.
(Although a DSLR body with a 18-200mm lens is very versatile and run around friendly.)

I wish you the best in your endeavor to resolve this in your mind.

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March 05, 2008


Gayle Koehler
Thanks for your response. When figured financially, I guess I got a good deal, eh? Thanks for putting it into perspective for me. I am going to check out the Digitalcamerapartsdepot. Thanks for listing it for me. And, I should try the rubber band - that just might work! (Probably will!)

I looked at your portfolio and your work is beautiful. You have a wonderful camera with which to work.

Thanks for your kind words and helpful suggestions.

Gayle in Saginaw, MI

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March 05, 2008

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