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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Can my enlarger accommodate 6X6 film

I recently got a 22A Bogen enlarger with a 50mm lens and a 35mm negative carrier. However, my main interest is in medium format photography. Do you know if there are 6X6 negative carriers available for this enlarger?


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February 23, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  I didn't know Bogen made or imported enlargers. See Bogen's photo site here and maybe contact their customer support which is pretty responsive:

Are you sure you haven't got an Omega B-22? Take a look here too and see if something there looks familiar:

My last suggestion is drop a dime and join It's a great site for those of us still using film and "reel" darkroom technology. Great sections on darkroom, film and processing, and very knowledgeable members.

Take it light.

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February 23, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Peri,
This model will accept 120/620 film. This is the square format 6x6 centimeters. The non-metric measure is called 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches. With this carrier you need a 75mm enlarging lens.

We choose the focal length based on the diagonal measure for two reasons. A. All lenses vignette. When the lens equals the diagonal measure or longer is used, the vignette will not present a problem when printing from the full frame. You can use longer. B. This formula places the enlarger at a convenient height. Longer lenses are OK but the head must be higher and you run out of room (column height) when making big prints or printing at higher magnifications. Use of shorter lens like your 50mm is OK but you will be restricted as to how much of the negative you can print without a noticeable vignette.

You can buy what you need shopping on the web. You can make a temporary negative carrier if you can’t find one or have a machine shop copy the 35mm one you have, making the frame size 55.6 x 55.6 mm.

Best of luck

Alan Marcus

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February 23, 2008

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