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Photography Question 

David Bloxham

Digital SLR Problems

Hey all!

I have a Konica Minolta Dynax 7D. Recently, I've been unable to acsess the buttons on the side of the screen, i.e to view pictures, to acsess the menu etc. Also, even on manual settings, both the aparture and shutter speed change at the same time if I try to change only one!

Has anyone else had this problem?

Does anyone know what to do?

Please Help


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February 18, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Dave,

Hopefully some one will give you a favorable answer. I just wanted to point out that Konica Minolta has recently quit the camera manufacturing business. They turned over repair responsibility to Sony. You might want to know this in advance of seeking repair service.

Alan Marcus

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February 18, 2008


David Bloxham
  Hey Alan!

I was aware of this as I had to get the same camera fixed due to a problem with one of the lenses, finding a company willing to fix it (and not charge a bundle like Sony) was a dificult job).

I would prefer to refrain from sending the camera off again, mainly because at the moment, the problem isn't affecting picture quality and I don't have the money to send it off again!


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February 20, 2008

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