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Photography Question 

Rosie Fodera

Hot Shoe and Synch Cord


I have a canon Rebel and Digibee lights. I do a lot of studio/portrait sessions. During my photo session this weekend the lights didn't flash all the time. This is the second hot shoe adopter and synch cord that I have purchased. I only purchased it about two months ago. Any insight as I have another photo session this weekend and I'm very concerned about this. Does this happen frequently? How do I resolve this?

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February 04, 2008


Pete H
  Hello Rosie,

as far as I remember, The Digibees (Alien Bees) have a built in slave that will trigger the strobes.

Lose the sync cord and use your built in camera flash to set off the digibees.

Use manual flash mode to reduce the output from your camera flash so as NOT to contribute to the image; but just enough to trigger the slaves on your "bees"

all the best,


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February 04, 2008


Rosie Fodera
  Thanks Pete. So if I shoot in manual mode your saying to open up my on camera flash and that will trigger it? Then wouldn't that give off too much light?

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February 04, 2008


Pete H
  Yes..Use your on camera flas..That will trigger the "bees" You will need to go into your menu and set the flash to "manual" and then select a lower flash intensity. Your camera's default is probably (TTL)..You can NOT use TTL when you do this..You have to select (manual) in your flash settings.

Don't forget to set it back to (TTL) when you are done; otherwise you will wonder why your normal pics are dark


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February 04, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Hi Rosie,
Strobes often have trouble with wires sync. But people have more trouble with the built in strobe as the trigger. Sometimes these units have a pre-flash, which reduces redeye or measures distance to the subject. This will trigger the Alien Bees, and the strobes will go off before the shutter opens. You might want to look at radio slaves as an alternative to the hot shoe adapter you are using now. This is a link to an article about sync:
Thanks, John Siskin

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February 04, 2008


Rosie Fodera
  I actually just ordered the wireless radio flash trigger from alienbees. Are you guys familiar with this?

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February 05, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Hi Rosie,
I have a similar radio slave. I have been pleased with the performance. You do need to change the batteries pretty often, especially in the receiver. You should have good results with this sync system.
Thanks, John Siskin

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February 05, 2008


Rosie Fodera
  Thank you.

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February 05, 2008

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