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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

famous photographs

Hi! I have been trying to find this famous photograph, however I am not sure of the name of the photographer or the title of the photograph. The photo is black and white, and is composed of a family reuniting on the beach. The vantage point of the audience is from over the shoulder of a man, who is standing still, and we can see a smiling young woman running toward him with arms outstretched. If anybody could offer any help, I would be really appreciative. I only have this distant memory to go on, but I have always loved this photograph. Thanks!

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February 03, 2008


Hi Bushra

I have a book called Pictures on a page, it`s all about Photojournalism.

There is a picture in there which corresponds to your photo search.

The Photographer is SAL VEDER of the Associated Press,the book says the picture records the homecoming of a Vietnamese prisoner of war and being greeted by his family.

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February 04, 2008


As a follow up to my previous post , if you visit this website you can see the picture in question.

Best wishes


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February 04, 2008

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